GIRL POWER #whatireallyreallywant

GIRL POWER GOES GLOBAL FOR THE UN’S GLOBAL GOALS WITH NEW FILM #WHATIREALLYREALLYWANT: 20 years on, a remake of the Spice Girls’ Wannabe video, featuring artists from India, Nigeria, South Africa, UK, USA and Canada, tells world leaders what girls and women really really want in 2016 to achieve the Global Goals!
The film reflects the voices of girls and women all over the world telling world leaders what Goals they ‘really really want’ to be achieved to help improve their lives. These include issues like quality education, an end to violence, an end to child marriage and equal pay for equal work. People will share a picture of #WhatIReallyReallyWant for girls and women and the visual response from around the world will then be presented to world leaders at the UN General Assembly in September.
Goal 2 Zero Hunger
Women comprise over 50% of agricultural labour force in parts of Asia and Africa and prepare up to 90% of meals in households globally. But women’s contribution to food security is constrained by unequal access to land. Female farmers having the same access to resources as men would result in 150 million fewer hungry people.
Goal 3 Good Health
Meeting the contraceptive needs of 225million women worldwide would result in a 70% reduction of unintended pregnancies, 74% reduction of unsafe abortions, 25% reduction in maternal deaths and an 18% reduction in newborn deaths.
Goal 4 Quality Education
Women account for over 60% of the world’s illiterate and 31 million girls are not enrolled in primary school. But if a girl stays in school beyond grade 7 she is likely to marry later, have fewer and healthier children and more likely to send her own children to school. When 10% more girls go to school, a country’s GDP increases by an average of 3%.
Goal 5 Gender Equality
Every day 39 000 girls are forced into marriage. Out of 143 countries, 90% have legal restrictions on women’s employment. Girls & women spend 90% of their earned income on their families, as opposed to only 30- 40% being spent by men. But women in the labour force still earn 24% less than men globally. Economic equality for girls and women = more investment in families & healthier economies.
Goal 6 Clean Water and Sanitation
In a single day in 25 sub Saharan African countries, women spend 16 million hours collecting water. Access to sanitation would make 1.25 billion women’s lives safer and healthier.
Goal 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Women comprise 98% of the estimated 45 million people forced into sexual exploitation. Protecting all women’s rights without exception in all laws & practices = peaceful & inclusive societies within reach.
Goal 17 Partnerships for the Goals
Gender equality is central to all of the Global Goals yet only 5% of foreign aid funds have gender equality as a principle objective. More women involved in decision-making = better economic development across the globe.

I'm wearing:
denim jacket - Rokit Vintage (also seen HERE or HERE)
dungarees - Primark
backpack - Adidas
choker - Aliexpress (also seen HERE)
bra - Primark
underwear - Bjorn Borg

Victoria Beckham said, ‘I think this film is a wonderful idea. How fabulous it is that after 20 years, the legacy of the Spice Girls’ - 'Girl Power’ - is being used to encourage and empower a whole new generation.’