Recently I've been asked a lot about "do you have any blogger friends? do you hang out with other bloggers? etc" and it made me think..DO I? Well I ended up saying "I don't" most of the time to be honest..most of the bloggers I came across are living their own "wanna be famous" lives and are scared to share it with me or someone else in case their fame would be stolen ....do you know what I mean? They're scared you will be better than them. Basically they won't tell you how they got in touch with that brand, they won't tell you how much money they got paid for it, they won't invite you to an event even if they can, they won't recommend you to a brand they work with..they are SELFISH to make the story short. Okay don't get me wrong, there are definitely bloggers out there which are super sweet and would give you everything they could, but that's def not the majority of them! So far I've met some great girls who I love hanging out with and could count on them if I'd need anything, as a "colleague" or as a friend..but not only those are on my list unfortunately..which is pretty sad I must say. I feel like we should all help each other and work together. We are all unique in a way so it doesn't matter if we work with the same brand or go to a same event..we are all different and by helping each other we can only get better.. I'm happy to take another blogger with me to an event, to give you a direct contact, to give you a shout out on my social media..for free, yes, for free..but I expect you to do the same thing for me..in this world we can't only give and not get anything back you know.. Not always when you see a group of bloggers together on social media having fun..not always they're actually having fun..they take these pictures because they know it's good for them that you see them socialise, you see them having fun, you see them with someone famous, they hope the other people on the picture will repost it, they hope the other people's followers will follow them as well or sometimes they even pay them to upload these pictures as a shout out....I don't even know why I went this sentimental on this post haha..I guess I just wanted to tell you guys that don't believe everything you see on social media (what you probably know already)and don't believe everyone who you meet from social media straight away, there are some real but also some pretty fake people out there.. Snapchat (find me as natinstablog) or even better Beme are probably the best social media apps where you can actually see a little more of the real person and where you can sort of get to know someone without meeting him/her.. so let's start exploring if you haven't done so yet ;).

I was wearing:
pu leather jacket - French Connection/old
dress - Asos/old
trainers - Converse
sunglasses - Aldo