MEET Paviel, man from the other planet

Hey ladies, who is hiding there behind me? Single man reveal yourself :D hahahah (actually babe, why don't you apply to be a part of TAKE ME OUT?:P) Well, you have probably already spotted this handsome boy on my Instagram. His name is Paviel and yes he is still SINGLE! And so I interviewed him a little so you can get to know him a bit more...aaaaand then it's up to you if you send him a little poke on Facebook or just a naughty Snapchat story maybe? :D

What do you usually like to drink?
Beer, wine, rum (everything actually :D)
What kind of music do you listen to?
Punk rock, folk and blues.
Favourite cuisine?
I'm not fussy tbh I like everything.
What kind of movies do you like watching?
Action, thriller, comedies..I really don't like romantic movies.
What do you do after work every day?
I drink beer.
What do you do for fun?
Hanging out with friends.
Favourite holidays destination?
I really like Croatia for its cheap booze, amazing seafood and great weather.
Are you a cat or a dog person?
Cats only.
If you ruled the world, what would you change?
I don't care about the world.
What are your biggest turn offs about the opposite sex?
Sluttiness and stupidity.
Are you a reader or are you more into games?
Who’s the person in your own life you admire most?
Definitely my Mom.
Do you like spontaneity or do you like routine?
I'm more spontaneos.
Who do you speak to when you’re having a hard time in love?
With my best friends.
Do you have a childhood memory that makes you smile every time you think of it? Oh yes! One day my mum dressed me as a girl when we were waiting for her partner to arrive. She put a lipstick on my lips as well, tied my hair into ponytail and styled me into her fancy dress. When he came he saw a nice looking little girl thiking it was a girlfriend of mine when in fact it was me. We couldn't stop laughing.
If you could travel the world, which are the five places you’d never miss?
China, Hawaii, Japan, Zanzibar and Jamaica.
Are you an early morning person or a late night person?
Fucking early.
Are you close to your family?
My family is in Slovakia and I live in London but I try to keep them updated about what's happening in my life and we do talk a lot.
What do you hate most about meeting someone on a first date?
When I have to choose the place.
Older or younger women?
Younger but more than 24yo.
Which part of your body is the most ticklish?
None of the parts of my body is ticklish anymore since my mum tickled me so much I peed myself.
How old were you when you had your first crush?
I was 8yo when I first fell in love with a girl and I used to walk her home after school, how romantic! We had our first kiss together.
So how long ago was your last relationship?
I have had some random relationships but my last serious one ended up in 2010.

You can follow
this cat lover here:
SNAPCHAT @paviel
PS: sorry ladies but today (14/01/16)
I was told Paviel is no longer a single man :(
Ehm well, it didn't take that long then mehehe maybe I should have become another Patti :P