PF 2016

Can't believe how the time flies! It's ridiculous! I remember like it was just couple of weeks ago when I went back home for Xmas and spent NYE in Prague. Last year I also shot this amazing pictures HERE with Eva from 2indaHouse(miss that girl so much!). Year 2015 wasn't easy I must say hah..I left my full time job, as you all probably know I used to work for, sounds pretty glam and well yeah I did buy couple of great luxury handbags for half prices haha, I also met some great people, got a chance to talk to few celebrities and people from the fashion industry, it really did give me a great experience but it just wasn't for me..fake smiles, bitching behind people's back, working overtime and not getting paid for it, it just was too intense and too competitive I really couldn't handle that. Since I left the shop floor I'm less streesed, more happy and I'm trying to do what I actually love to do, because when I was stuck on the shop floor I literally had no time for it, because every minute I had free I was ready to do nothing and switch off my mind from all that gossiping. I really feel like I'm in much better place right now. I only have a PART TIME JOB twice a week now (working as a PA) which pays the bills and the rest comes from my BLOG and also from my BOYFRIEND. I'm very grateful that he's been there for me this year, supporting me mentally and financially while my blog has been getting stronger and stronger..A HUGE THANKS <3! (I'm writing a "how to make money from blogging" post right now so follow me on Facebook to be the first one to read it;)) And now HERE COMES 2016 - CRAZYYYYYYY! There is so much more I want to share with you this year! You have been telling me to start my YOUTUBE channel and for those who don't know it does exit! See it here but I understand you also want to see me talk all that silly things I have on my mind, so I have all that coming up! I'm going to start speaking in Slovakian for two reasons -> 1st: even tho I have lived in London for over 7 years, English is still my second language so I feel more comfortable and confident in speaking in Slovakian and for the 2nd: the majority of you, my followers are Slovakian and Czech anyway at the moment, so I'm going to show some love to them :P. If you have any suggestions of what you would like to see please email me, or msg me on Facebook ;).
Okay, won't be telling you everything at once,

I'm wearing:
faux fur coat - second hand Slovakia
pink "Chanel" dress - Rokit
silver socks - H&M
boots - Vagabond/old (website here)
bag - Chanel
earrings - H&M/old
bracelets - SIX/old (website here)
nose ring - eBay