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homeMade TATTOO

Oh man, this is what happens when you buy yourself a tattoo machine and drink few bottles of wine :D

But nothing to worry about!

It's all good, all hygienic..

..just not as straight as planned maybe :D

Paviel made these himself, true art I must say :D

I'm still not sure if I should let anyone touch my skin :D

Okay then, tattoo FOFN on my feet then :D

Anyone knows what it means? :P

..and another one..

Yaaaay smile :))) Btw, this tattoo has disappeared already :(

David is drawing his first tattoo ever..and it's going to be done by Roland..who's never done a tattoo before :D Great combo! :D

Yeah babes you need it!

Still positive..

Why that cheeky smile Paviel? :P

Not positive anymore :D

Good job Roland! :P

He hasn't had enough :D

"Let me do it myself please"

Last one but THE BEST ONE!

Paviel must be crazy :D

PS: I didn't pay him to do this :D

Overall, I'm glad I didn't let them tattoo anything bigger on me..

..they def need some practice lol

..any good tattooists

in London you recommend?

PS: price matters (poor blogger)

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