PURPLE helmet

GUYZZZZZ there is new PURPLE HAIR in da house!
What do you think? YAY OR NAY?
Many of you are asking how I colour my hair, if I have it done in a salon or I do it by myself and how do I get those strong bright colours, so let me tell you the story hah. First of all I had a blond dip dye which I had done in a salon (see my previous post HERE) and that was a good start! From then I started to buy Directions Hair Colour (available HERE). At first I bought the grey colour, hoping it will dye my hair but obviously my hair was still too dark to get a lighter colour (my mistake), so there was no difference really and then I got a green and blue..the colour washes out every time you wash your hair (NO WHITE TOWELS ARE ALLOWED!) but it never washed out completely to be honest, well probably because I got bored of that colour and got a new one :D You always have to get a darker shade so it can cover the previous leftovers.
Bare in mind the colour will never look exactly as on the picture, everyone's hair has got different pigment so it can look differently, wash out faster or whatever..you're never safe basically :D
..but life is about taking risks, YOLO! :)


You can follow those guys here:
What will my next colour be???