what does SKINNY mean?
Does skinny mean "slim",
or does it mean "underweight"??
When I hear someone call a girl "skinny", I assume they mean someone who is underweight and looks like they are at a weight that is somehow unhealthy for them, for example like how Nicole Richie was in 2014 (see here). But it seems like that most people use the word "skinny" to describe women or girls who are slim and don't have massive boobs or some kind of curves or something.. I had a friend (she still is my friend actually :D) who lost few kilos and I thought that was a bit too much and so I called her "too skinny" and she got really upset..on the other side if you'd call me skinny I'd be jumping from hapiness :D. The word skinny is very fragile and we have to really consider when we are using it.... or maybe we should just stop using at all just to be safe...

(all the pictures are photoshopped)

Being underweight can be a case of anorexia or bulimia. But how does it realy start off?
"You have body image issues all of your life; maybe you were teased, maybe you were raised in a perfectionist household, maybe it's just an insecurity. Whatever the case, after many failed attempts to eat healthier, you start off on another diet, this one stricter than the last, "just to lose 5 pounds." The tip of the scale is inching backwards slowly every week, this is a great accomplishment. "You're doing good; you look great!" you hear from relatives and friends, and this encourages you on. But then you hit a plateau. Maybe you binge. Maybe you feel that the weight isn't coming off fast enough. "That's normal; decrease your caloric intake and you'll pull through," are the responses from the people you went to. But that's not enough. You search the web for new diets, new workouts, new anything. You come across a Pro Ana website and see the pictures under the label "thinspiration." You feel degraded; you'll never look as good as them. You decide to try a fad diet, be it cabbage soup, grapefruit, slim fast; it just has to be something with fast results. You feel better once that's started, but it still isn't enough. You know that you look good, others are telling you to stop obsessing, but the diet is your life. Life is hectic; weight you can control. You slowly stop eating, you either increase your workout or stop altogether, you take laxatives, and sometimes you think about purging. Soon enough, you're always cold, you don't have enough energy, you feel headachey, you stress about your appearance, you begin cooking for others but become offended if someone asks you to eat, you're irritable and slightly depressed. But you can't stop. You look in the mirror and pinch the fat that layers your bones like it's a poison - even skin is regarded as fat - and you dress in baggy clothes to cover it up. Your eyes are bloodshot from the stress and you're getting paler each day; you know you have a problem but it's your protection. Sometimes you binge, and you'll stick your finger down your throat and vomit until you see blood, you'll take laxatives, and you isolate yourself to be alone. To look up a new "diet." To increase a workout that'll only leave you feeling more drained. It starts off with a simple diet, it implants itself with each compliment, you feel accomplished and don't want to lose the control. Food is the enemy and it's always on your mind; but you can't eat it. If you eat, you fail. If you eat, you'll get fat. You have to keep going, because you aren't there yet. And secretly, you know you never will be."
(anonymus diagnosed anorexic w/ bulimic tendencies)
Beeing skinny is a lifestyle for some celebrities:

But being too skinny is not good, it destroyes your body!

When anorexia gets to an extreme:

Not even 19kgs woman is asking for help:
So girls, and boys as well,
please don't let it go that far
and start loving yourself the way you are!
Only when you are happy with yourself
you will be happy in your life <3
With love,
NAT xxx