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MEET Ivanka Hristova

Who is Ivanka Hristova? Ivanka is a BA Fashion Design graduate from University of East London who's collection was shown at this year's Graduate Fashion Week which took the place at the end of May, as usual, in Truman Brewery in East London.

How I met her? While doing my fav thing and biggest addiction (Instagram hashtag browsing, this time #gfw2015) I bumped into this girl Ivanka (her IG is @hristova_i). At first I thought OMG slovakian girl showing her collection at the GFW? Really? So impressive! Slovakians rock the world! Oh well, it wasn't as expected, thank god I left her an English msg 'cos this superwoman is Bulgarian :P.

I fell in love with the bright colours, cute pom poms all around the collection and what I got attached the most to were the cows' bells (not sure if they have any special name but you get what I mean right?). The collection reminds me so much of Slovakia, the colours of water, sun, flowers and the happy (maybe not so happy :D) cow's making noise with their bells :))) Aaaaaw, don't think that was the story behind the collection but who cares, it makes me happy :D

See the video from the GFW below

(Ivanka's collection-> 19:21 min),

scroll down for the short interview

and some pictures of her collection :)

Graduate Fashion Week 2015


ivanka hristova interview

ivanka hristova interview

This is how Ivanka actually looks like (stalking pics from her FB :P)

ivanka hristova collage

Her collection is super wearable and comfy!

ivanka hristova gfw2015 collection

ivanka hristova gfw2015 collection

ivanka hristova gfw2015 collection

I would only avoid the bells haha the noise gets a bit annoying after 30 seconds of wearing:D


colorful handmade coat american apparel leggings

natalia homolova designer studio photoshoot

ivanka hristova pom pom colorful clothes

ivanka hristova collection 2015

natalia homolova natinstablog studio photoshoot

ivanka hristova 2015 interview

I hope you guys like the pictures and that you fell in love with Ivanka's collection :P. This is one of my new series called #meetthedesigner and #meetthemodel series are coming out soon too! STAY TUNED!

So if it's you I should write about or you know of any bloggers, designers or models who would want to be featured on my blog please get in touch <3

Lots of love,

NAT xxx

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