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polka dot sexy pin up girl photoshoot asos

In the late 19th century, burlesque performers and actresses sometimes used photographic advertisement as business cards to promote themselves. These ads could often be found in almost every theatre lounge pinned-up or stuck into some frames, windows, boxes and telephone booths. Understanding the power of photographic advertisements to promote their shows and being recognized not only within the theater itself but also outside in the public sphere made them to spread the cards even more...and they started to be called pin up girls..their pics were pinned up everywhere!

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strawberry pin up girl retro polka dot street style

heart balloon pin up girl sexy young

pin up girl studi photoshoot natalia homolova natinstablog

grey chupa chups hm tshirt pinup girl

pin up girl makeup hair style

retro pink crop tee pinup girl coca cola

pin up girl hair and makeup head shot

1st LOOK:

polda dot top - Asos

polka dot skirt - Asos

shoes - Primark

necklace - NIBshop

gold ring attached bracelet - see similar here

pearl bracelet - Primark

nose ring - eBay

blue contact lenses - Spooky Eyes

2nd LOOK:

chupa chups tee - H&M

denim shorts - eBay (find similar here)

stripe red&white bracelet - handmade by Adriana Bodova

stripe blue&white bracelet - Primark

nose ring - eBay

blue contact lenses - Spooky Eyes

What do you guys think?

Could I be a pin up girl? :P


NAT xxx

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