new HAIR?

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Alright, here is Natinstablog transformation since she came to London starting from 2009. Looking so innocent in my long natural light brown hair until I met Karin Kratzeisen (she used to be a salon director at the Sassoon) who asked me to work for her as a hair model and so first step was a short bob, I was still avoiding dying my hair..

Then I went a bit darker..

..and then she convinced me to change the colour :O

..from red to ginger..

Okay enough of these dark colours, let's go blond..with a bit of blue? :O :D

Let's dip it in pink a little and cut it asymmetrically :D

More natural with some brownie bits?

Pure blond! I think I loved this colour the most and I looooved it when I had my brown roots coming out <3

Okay, so this is me experimenting with extentions..those bright red braids were my biggest hairstyle mistake ever :D :D :D

And now growing it...going back to natural..but missing the bit of a colour so using some hair chalk to funk it up a bit :P

And this is how I'm looking like these days.. more natural blond ombre..and letting it grow..

BUT I'm getting bored guys! :((( I really miss my salon appointments every month and the fact that I looked different every time I left the salon.. what should I do next? I'd love to go blond..ooooooooh..I would really love to but I'm scared of being bold soon :D I also have bought a semi-permanent pink colour probably a month ago but still haven't used it as I'm scared that it will stay longer than 14 washes...
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