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spooky eyes white contact lenses asos beauty

Not a street style post this time and I'm super excited! sponsored me with some cool contact lenses and so I got in touch with my old friend, great photographer Richard (see his work here) and his wife to be Iv and we are now bringing you guys these crazy close ups, what do you think?

MUAH - Iv Stas

PHOTOS - Richard Baca

mac cosmetics white contact lenses
spooky eyes white contact lenses

1st. LOOK:

contact lenses - Spooky Eyes

paint print high neck top - Asos

necklace - NIB shop (now sold out)

makeup - Mac

yellow wild contact lenses gold bracelet shoot
black bob hair style mac cosmetics]
spooky yellow wild contact lenses

2nd. LOOK:

contact lenses - Spooky Eyes

mesh high neck black top - Asos

bracelet and earrings - Forever21

makeup - Mac

What kind of post do you prefer guys?

Would you like to see more of these kinds?

Let me know,

lots of love

NAT xxx

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