BRA let?

Jeeeezus, it's so weird how much more quickly time seems to move as we get older. It's already February, can you believe that? Oh well, don't forget it's my B-DAY on 12th so I'm expecting some hearbreaking messages from you guys :P
This post came out really randomly to be honest...Samuel, the hot guy with the tattoos, was modeling for Linda (some uni project) and then somehow I got involved as I always do :D I really wanted to show you guys my new PU leather bralette from SuperColour (shop here), can't wait to wear it out this summer! <3

I'm wearing:
faux leather bralette - SuperColour
checked shirt - River Island (link in this post)
black skinny jeans - Joni Topshop
red lipstick - Ruby Woo Mac
The way we did it, cheers! #slivovica

Thank you for your time kids,
love you lots!
NAT xxx