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Few months ago a girl called LABUTKA followed me on of those fans who always likes your pictures and so you can't miss her! Haha..somehow we started chatting and then added each other on December she asked me if I knew about a room to rent in London and now, here she is, living in my house :) Young super chilled girl and hey, she is studying photography and I need another photographer in my house meheheheh flatmates with benefits? :P Now looking for more housemates, any hairdressers or makeup artists looking for a place? :D

Pictures below are taken and edited by Linda,

don't forget to follow her on Tumblr here.

artfuck biffo
biffo natalia homolova_edited
biffo art photo shoot colours_edited
faded biffo_edited

BIFFO fleck TEE - click here to shop

use code "NATALIA" to get 10% off

tee 13 photoshoot thirt
natalia homolova labutka
teeco natalia homolova
natalia homolova tee_edited

TEEco white TEE - click here to shop

use code "NATALIA" to get 20% off

What do you guys think about Linda's edit?

I'm personally loving the colours <3

and don't forget to use the discounts,

only active for two weeks!

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