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BED time Stories

What is all of this about? Let's make the story short. Few friends of mine and of course, Eva from 2indaHouse came over to my house on Sunday afternoon. After few bottles of wine, we got drunk then got stoned and so I decided to go a bit naughty (like I always do, shame on me!). Because Eva always has her camera on her she began to take some pictures and I started to feel like a little porn star <3 Has anyone thought about being a porn star? I mean, you do what you love and then get paid for that? Ehm...well I'd need to ask my daddy for some boobies first :P

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I was wearing the most comfortable black logo jumper from STAG Clothing. The brand was formed in Oxforshire in 2012 and now they have the hottest bearded-tattoed model ever, good choice guys! :P You can also use a code "natalia10" to get your 10% off on their website ;) Oh and my lipstick is from Lime Crime. It's just amazeballs! Black, matt and it stays, I mean, you can eat, drink, smoke, kiss or whatever and it will stayyy forevaaa :) Click here to get one, they also have wordlwide shipping ;)

And so while I was going a bit crazy in my varsity jumper, I decided to put on my Pharrell top from DIMEPIECELA, after the Wireless I felt like I need to take some pictures in it to show Pharrell my love <3

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All the pictures are taken and edited by Eva from 2indaHouse :) Haha, seems like I'm not seeing anyone else recently :P Love you babes and thank you :*

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