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Bournemouth BEACH

What a beautiful day! My mum with my grandma came to visit me for a little check up after my exams (still don't have the results from the uni so please --> fingers crossed). Don't know how it can be possible but everytime she's in London she gets the sunshine, must be a good karma or something. Well because she already did all the tourists' visits we decided to go to the beach. Bournemouth is about two hours drive from London and it's definitely worth it. Specially during the week when there is no one there and so you get the whole beach almost for yourself. I couldn't do any swimming because of my back problems (inflamed nerve or something boooo :((( ) but my mum totally enjoyed it, look! :D

I really had a great day, it's just so sooo nice to spend a day with your family you know (only dad was missing, ehm dad where were you?!)..oh yeah the kinda ginger guy is my HOT brother, who does personal training now so if you want to get in shape for the summer (you better hurry up!) click here to contact him! :P Him and the Italian beauty Izide also brought all the YUMY FOOD...wooooo so delice! The curly hair boy/man is Roland who I'd like to say a MASSIVE THANKS to for organising this trip and driving us up there PUSS PUSS KRAM KRAM :*

Pictures are not photoshoped, only contrast naturaaale :D And I'm wearing my favourite River Island high waisted bikini, Primark sunnies and The Huge London gold chain.

What is your favourite beach in England?

Or maybe Portugal? I'll be flying to Faro

in few weeks, any recommendations?

Lots of love,


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